What is a #Hopebuilder?
A #hopebuilder is a person or business that has committed to donating on a monthly basis to Upper Cumberland Habitat.
#Hopebuilders are PASSIONATE about building HOPE and STABILITY in their community, and want to see the impact they are making in the lives of others.
#Hopebuilders are PASSIONATE about building HOPE and STABILITY in their community, and want to see the impact they are making in the lives of others.
Why are #Hopebuilders So Important?
Monthly donation commitments provide UC Habitat stability and allow us to better plan for future new builds and repair projects throughout the year. They also save money, as we can spend less on development and more on affordable housing.
Your one-time donations are so loved, appreciated and needed, however regular monthly donations are the backbone of our budget and help us get by when we are unable to have special events.
Your one-time donations are so loved, appreciated and needed, however regular monthly donations are the backbone of our budget and help us get by when we are unable to have special events.